Thursday, June 9, 2016

Transitions, Change and Risk-Taking (aka Week One Daily Create!)

So, I start a new journey --or continue a journey that I started a few years ago.  In any case, this seems like a perfect opportunity to blog for a few weeks on the topic of Transitions, Change and Risk-Taking.  This is my theme this summer.  I am in the midst of so many of life's transitions.  I have a child who just became a parent for the first time--which means I am privileged to be a grandmother and learning how to do that. I am also transitioning from a parent to a grandparent which is a whole new journey which means not always needing to worry but also to sit back and simply take in the joy of knowing that my own son is becoming a great dad in his own right.
I have another child who will be married in September.  She and her fiance' just put an offer in on a house.  Life is strange when you watch your children grow up and it seems like yesterday when you were reminding them to hold onto your hand when you were in the parking lot. Where has life gone and when did those days turn into years?
And, in the midst of all of this, I am writing my dissertation.  So, I arrived to the whole doctoral program a little later than many.  However, I arrived with drive and curiosity and the thrill of the risk taking.  I'm excited!  I am excited about my research topic.  I am excited to explore something new for me.  I am excited to see where this will all take me.
Then there is the undeniable wonder of the stability of being married for nearly 31 years to a most amazing person. And yet, every day of that has been a transition of sorts as we move through the ambiguity of a marriage relationship together. It's great to have a place of stability in the midst of a world which shifts beneath our feet nearly every day.
Life is so good that it was not hard to find something for my daily create during week 1.

I have to figure out how to embed videos--So I will keep working on that.  This week, I decided to play with WeVideo which is a tool some of my colleagues have been using but which I never really had the time to explore.  I actually found it pretty intuitive for this Daily Create.  Basically, my daily create was to explore three things that made me happy. Finding those photographs was easy and even putting the short baby video was fairly simple.  I want to keep on exploring editing features.  While I managed to get captions included, I did not manage to get a voice over on the WeMovie track.
WeVideo really is a step by step process:
  1. Choose a topic.
  2. Upload images or video which is a drag and drop process.  It doesn't get any easier than that.
  3. Drag and drop them into the order that seems logical.
  4. Add music.  I chose from the royalty free music embedded in the WeVideo Editor
  5. Choose a theme from the options in WeVideo.  This helps create the snazzy opening and the transitions between images.
It is super simple and pretty entertaining!
Stay tuned.  This is a summer of new things, transitions, change and risk-taking and I'll be using this space to explore that.  Onward and Upward!

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